Application Notes

Microchip TCP/IP stack for ERIKA Enterprise

A TCP/IP stack demo for ERIKA Enterprise for communicating with FLEX board over an ethernet cable using various protocols.

A TCP/IP stack demo for ERIKA Enterprise for communicating with FLEX board over an ethernet cable using various protocols.

Following protocols are included in the demo:

  • UDP
  • TCP
  • ICMP
  • HTTP
  • DHCP
  • SMTP (only client)
  • Telnet
  • NBNS
  • SNTP


DC Motor: I-V Identification and torque control


This demo shows how to set up a procedure for identification of a DC Motor with permanent magnets aimed at digital torque control.

The application is divided into two parts:

FLEX Embedded World 2007 demo

This is the demo which was presented at Embedded World 2007.

The demo acquires angle and distance from a compass and a ultrasound receiver, sending them to a remote system using an XBee module connected through UART.

On the PC side, then, a GTK graphical application (not available for download) displays the data in a polar plot.

Board schematics, PCB and software available as a template under ERIKA Enterprise.

TCP/IP stack for FLEX


TCP/IP stack demo for FLEX boards Implements network protocols (HTTP, FTP...) both UDP and TCP , produced adapting a Microchip TCP/IP stack demo to the FLEX board


  • Mauro Marinoni (ReTiS Lab Scuola Superiore S. Anna)


This software implements a TCP/IP stack demo usable with FLEX boards

FLEX Board USB connection

This demo shows how to set up a USB connection between the PC and the FLEX board. The aim is to control the dsPIC LED and the PIC18 LED system from the host PC. The dsPIC LED is controlled by the SPI communication with the PIC18.
The application is divided into three parts:

FLEX: Image acquisition firmware for Video Smart Sensor

This demo demonstrates a procedure for image acquisition from a camera equipped with serial interface on CMOS levels using FLEX.

DC Motor Servo control using FLEX with Scilab/Scicos

At SUPSI (Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana), Lugano, Switzerland, a DC Motor was controlled using FLEX board with Scilab/Scicos.



Controlling an Inverted Pendulum using FLEX with Scilab/Scicos

At SUPSI (Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana), Lugano, Switzerland, an Inverted Pendulum was controlled using FLEX board with Scilab/Scicos.



Ball and Plate control using FLEX board

At the Retis laboratory of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, a steel ball was maintained at the centre of a metallic plate using FLEX board.


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