Controlling an Inverted Pendulum using FLEX with Scilab/Scicos

At SUPSI (Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana), Lugano, Switzerland, an Inverted Pendulum was controlled using FLEX board with Scilab/Scicos.



The FLEX Base Board and the FLEX Multibus Board with a FLEX Multibus CAN Module was used for swinging-up and maintaining the inverted equilibrium. The Source code was entirely generated using Scilab/Scicos , an automatic code generator for control systems.

Both the controller-observer pairs were implemented with 2 discrete transfer functions:

Motion Controller Observer
Swing-up a state controller with integral part and anti-windup for state feedback gains a reduced state observer for calculating missing states
Inverted equilibrium an LQR state controller for state feedback gains a reduced state observer for calculating missing states


  • Roberto Bucher (Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana)


  • Scilab/Scicos


  • FLEX Base Board
  • FLEX Multibus Base Daughter Board
  • FLEX Multibus CAN module
  • Inverted Pendulum setup


Schematic figures

External links

Demo video

dsPIC Scilab/Scicos Inverted Pendulum