This demo shows how to set up a procedure for identification of a DC Motor with permanent magnets aimed at digital torque control.
The application is divided into two parts:
On the PC side, the data are processed with a specific software for the system identification.
The applied methods are:
On the FLEX side, the software is divided in 2 simple C applications for identification and control.
On the PC side, you need 2 specific softwares to receive data via serial COM port and to implements identification and control analysis.
This is the list of hardware components needed to reproduce the demo:
(click for full versions)
In the figures below you can see: 1) the accuracy of the model identified (red line) compared to the real motor output (blue line) during the initial phase of the experiment; and 2) the conceptual diagram.
1) Experiment
2) Conceptual diagram
Source code and documentation about the electronic components