FLEX Embedded World 2007 demo

This is the demo which was presented at Embedded World 2007.

The demo acquires angle and distance from a compass and a ultrasound receiver, sending them to a remote system using an XBee module connected through UART.

On the PC side, then, a GTK graphical application (not available for download) displays the data in a polar plot.

Board schematics, PCB and software available as a template under ERIKA Enterprise.



  • Mauro Marinoni (ReTiS Lab Scuola Superiore S. Anna)
  • Michael Trimarchi, Claudio Scordino (Evidence Srl)


The software is an EE application which acquires information from a compass and a ultrasound receiver, sending them to a remote system using an XBee module.

The application is distributed with ERIKA Enterprise since version 1.4.0, and shows how simple is the implemenattion of a Zigbee-serial gateway which interfaces SPI/I2C peripherals with a dsPIC.


This is the list of hardware components needed to reproduce the demo:

  • FLEX board (light or full)
  • home made PCB (Eagle design and schematics available in the template);
  • a few resistences and connectors
  • a ZigBee modem: XBee from MaxSream;
  • a compass: CMPS03;
  • an ultrasound sensor: SRF10;
  • on the PC side, an XBee module with the USB interface



None; the demo is distributed with ERIKA Enterprise.

Reference template

pic30/Applications/"Embedded World 2007, available since EEB 1.4.0

External links
