
Training Course on ScicosLab in Malaysia!

Training course: Control System Design and Analysis Training with Open Source Software

Please click here to get more information


Training Course on ScicosLab

Training course: Simulation and automatic code generation for real time embedded systems using
ScicosLab and Erika/Linux

Please click here to get to the course homepage and material


Florence University - Plesso didattico, Viale Morgagni 40, Firenze, ITALY

MiWiP2P for Erika RTOS Flex Mini Kit is now available!

August 2010


The latest version of stack MiWiP2P is now working Erika kernel and Flex Mini.

In the repository svn of Erika you can find the stack library (" ee/contrib/MiWiP2Pv2") and a demo which reads and transmits the data of the Flex Mini Kit sensors: light, temperature, accelerometer and battery status.

Marc McComb (Microchip Technology, USA) talks about Flex Boards!

August 2010

MCHP Tube - Episode 3 (June 2010)


On third episode of MCHP Tube (June 2010), host Cheri Keller presents "16-bit Microcontroller family including dsPIC Starter Kit" and Marc McComb talks about the Flex Boards from Evidence.

Erika Enterprise for MIRTES project!

June 2010


As part of the IPERMOB project, Erika Entrprise is being adopted for MIRTES (MIddleware for Real-time Transactions in Embedded Systems).

This long term project aims to deliver data, event and code centric services with real-time support as middleware for WSN

