YouTube videos
From ErikaWiki
This is a list of YouTube videos about ERIKA Enterprise, FLEX Boards, Scicos-FLEX code generator, and others...
- MEMOS 2 - A Simple Robotic System for Neurorehabilitation
- [ Real-time control of an Inverted Pendulum using FLEX + ERIKA
- Real-time control of an Inverted Pendulum using FLEX + ERIKA
- dsPIC visual tracking using a CMOS camera!
- dsPIC Scilab/Scicos Inverted Pendulum at SUPSI Lugano
- dsPIC Scilab/Scicos Servo DC control at SUPSI Lugano
- Furuta Pendulum
- DII (Intelligenza Artificiale e sistemi in tempo reale) Lab of Università Politecnica delle Marche
- ER1 Robot face-control application. Uses Nexus S with Android 2.3.4, OpenCV and Erika Enterprise RTOS part 1, Made by the DII (Intelligenza Artificiale e sistemi in tempo reale) Lab of Università Politecnica delle Marche
- ER1 Robot face-detection application. Uses Nexus S with Android 2.3.4, OpenCV and Erika Enterprise RTOS part 2, Made by the DII (Intelligenza Artificiale e sistemi in tempo reale) Lab of Università Politecnica delle Marche
- ER1 Robot face-detection application. Uses Nexus S with Android 2.3.4, OpenCV and Erika Enterprise RTOS part 3, Made by the DII (Intelligenza Artificiale e sistemi in tempo reale) Lab of Università Politecnica delle Marche
- Centro Piaggio - Università di Pisa
Some Amazing Ball videos
- dsPIC Ball & Plate with touchscreen and servomotors, the inititial Master thesis where everything started
- The "Amazing Ball" Ball & Plate System
- An old version of the Amazing Ball
- The "Amazing Ball" Ball & Plate System
UNIFi Videos
EICASLAB Integration with ERIKA Enterprise
- First webinar of integration between ERIKA Enterprise and EICASLAB for code generation for embedded systems
- Second webinar about Modelling and Like Real-Time Simulation Part 1
- Second webinar about Modelling and Like Real-Time Simulation Part 2
- Second webinar about Modelling and Like Real-Time Simulation Part 3
- Third webinar about Rapid Control prototyping - Fundamentals - Part 1
- Third webinar about Rapid Control prototyping - Fundamentals - Part 2
- Third webinar about Rapid Control prototyping - Fundamentals - Part 3
- Third webinar about Rapid Control prototyping - Fundamentals - Part 4
- Fourth webinar about Rapid Control prototyping - operative mode with the Amazing Ball - Part 1
- Fourth webinar about Rapid Control prototyping - operative mode with the Amazing Ball - Part 2
- Fifth webinar about Slow Motion Sub Mode
Path Following robots