Download ERIKA Enterprise and RT-Druid

Download information related to ERIKA Evterprise Version 2.x

The latest version of ERIKA Enterprise V2.x can be found in this page. We kept only the latest version to avoid using too much disk space of TuxFamily.

Online SVN Repository

Information on how to clone the repository can be found in the wiki, following this link.

Latest release: November 6th, 2017 - ERIKA Enterprise and RT-Druid 2.8.0.

IDE Download links:

ERIKA Enterprise and RT-Druid 2.8.0, Windows 64bit version
ERIKA Enterprise and RT-Druid 2.8.0, Linux 64bit version

CLI Download links:

RT-Druid 2.8.0, Command line only
ERIKA Enterprise and RT-Druid 2.8.0, Command line only
ERIKA Enterprise and RT-Druid 2.8.0, Command line with ant support

Update site:

Instructions on how to use this version on Linux

On windows systems, the default toolchain requires Cygwin to work. You need an up to date installation that includes at least gcc, dos2unix, make.
NOTE: In the past we provided a a minimal Cygwin installation pack, that you can use as a reference; however, that package no longer contains the up-to date packages (in particular, make) needed to compile on the latest versions. If you install it, please immediately update the packages to their newer version using the installer you can find on


Here you can find instruction about update Erika Enterprise and RT-Druid.

32bit versions require a 32bit Java Virtual Machine.
If an error occured, the parameter  -consoleLog  can help to understand what happened:
./eclipse -consoleLog